Pokémon is my passion

Pokémon is my passion

I have been obsessed with Pokémon since its release. I avidly played Pokémon Red, Yellow, Silver and Gold. I collected the cards and obsessed over everything Pokémon. I could not get enough of it, and I really connected to the game. After joining the Army, I lost touch with all thing Pokémon for many years. 

As my kids got older, they began to be interested in Pokémon. It was perfect timing as Pokémon evolutions were at their height. We all started playing Pokémon cards competitively. I remember playing one of my favorite decks was Decidueye GX paired with Forest of Giant Plants. After getting into competitive Pokémon, I was completely obsessed again. I took my kids to every tournament I could.  

I was doing so well this season I began leaving my kids behind. They didn't have the same passions for the game as I did. I began traveling to several larger regional tournaments. I went to Vegas, Madison, and culminated at NAIC 2018. My family came with me but didn't play. They cheered me all the way through. I ended up winning all my games on day 1 except 1 and progressed to day 2 for the first time ever in a major tournament.  

I had a realization at this point. My wife was just hanging out at the tournament while I played. They were not interested in playing any longer. So, I bowed out of day 2 and decided to take the family to the Columbus Zoo. It was a great time. This was a shift in the hobby for us. We had been playing competently for several years now but decided we were going to continue Pokémon as a family but not by playing the card game. 

We made a significant shift to collecting as a family. Rather than testing decks we began ripping packs. This became a much better bonding experience as we could open a booster box as a family. I miss playing competitively; however, I am glad that we were able to find a piece of the Pokémon experience we could share as a family.  

In the end we all play the videos obsessively, we raid in Pokémon Go, and we rip packs together as a family. I'm not leaving them behind again. I got back into Pokémon because of my family, and it will remain a family activity for me. In 2020 we were all be working from home and my wife encouraged me to create a Pokémon business with my newfound spare time. This is when the Factory was born. I have been diligently growing my business ever since. 

I am still on active duty but will make this my full-time occupation upon retiring. The business is growing every day. We recently added a new member to the factory family. EJ joined the team as a co-owner, and we are happy to bring the joy of Pokémon to you. We hope to secure a distribution contract soon so we can begin selling sealed products at a much cheaper price. 

I thank you for reading this far and I hope that by now you have a little idea that I am super passionate about the cards and that this is my passion. My business is everything to me and I hope you join the Factory Family also. Thanks for your support every little bit counts. 

- Gideon (Factory Boss)